Agency Name California Certified Organic Farmers
Categories Environment & Nature
Contact Name Adrian Fischer
Agency Email

Agency Address

2155 Delaware Avenue, Suite 150 Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Agency Phone (831) 423-2263x0
Web Address
Office Hours M-F 8am-5pm
Distance from Campus
Nearest Bus Lines #20
Mission Statement CCOF promotes and supports organic food and agriculture through a premier organic certification program, trade support, producer and consumer education and political advocacy. From apples to zucchini, from almonds to wine, CCOF is involved in every facet of organics, with over 1,300 different organic crops and products, including livestock, processed products and services. CCOF provides certification services to all stages of the organic food chain from farms to processors, restaurants and retailers. CCOF certifies to the USDA National Organic Program standards and CCOF international standards.
Volunteer Duties Internship are more preferred than volunteering. Contact Adrian Fischer for more information!
Notes Updated 05/11/20